Waiting All Over Again
I'm proud of myself for managing to keep my last two posts happy. Don't get me wrong, I am so very happy with my life. I have a great husband who treats me wonderfully, a great family (on both sides), absolutely wonderful friends, I am very near completing my undergraduate education, I live in an absolutely beautiful place, I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and I can surf whenever I want to. I am happy. Not saying that I absolutely need all of those things to be happy - with the exception of the gospel, because we all need that - but I am very content and happy with how my life has turned out and how it continues to unfold. Maybe it's because I am content with all those things that I have such a hard time accepting my infertility . It sticks out like a sore thumb in my life. It's the black speck of paint against the backdrop of a pure white canvas. It's the bump in the road I just can't seem to get over. A couple of Sund...