
Showing posts from 2020

Surprise! Baby Graham #3

 Well, just 2 blog posts ago I wrote about Napela's birth story, and here I am writing about the next baby that's about to join our little (growing) family! Right before Napela was born, my midwife had asked what my plans were for birth control after I had him. I told her, "Uhhh, nothing." I explained that since I have a history of infertility, and that it took 4.5 years to conceive Mikala, and then 2.5 years to conceive Napela, I would not be using any sort of birth control as I want to make sure my body can conceive a third child.  I just assumed that it would take a few years again like it did before. I did acknowledge noticing a pattern that it took less time to conceive the second baby, but again, I thought it would take 1 year or so. I was exclusively breastfeeding Napela since the day he was born, so I was kinda peeved when my period came back at 10 weeks postpartum. I also don't lose a ton of weight while breastfeeding like a lot of women do. So all the pe...

Humble Yourself or Be Compelled to Be Humble

I recently read an entry from mine and Josh's "Spiritual Impressions" journal that we keep together and felt that this one was so important I wanted to post it here, just to give another place for it to be saved hopefully forever so that I can read it again and again: 2/5/20 Ari I learned a very hard and humbling lesson today. While at the beach, Mikala could have drowned. We were at Ko’olina, which is a man-made lagoon and known for its mostly shallow, calm water. I always put Mikala’s floaties on as soon as we arrive at the beach, for his safety. I did this today however halfway through swimming he got cold and wanted to come in, take off his floaties, and sit wrapped up in his towel while he ate some snacks. As he did this, I was nursing Napela who fell asleep. I then put Napela back into his carseat to take a nap, while Mikala decided to run back into the water to play and swim. In my mind, Mikala still had his floaties on so I trusted that he would be safe....