Napela's Birth Story
It's been 3 weeks now since I gave birth to our second son and I've been meaning to write this birth story since we first got home from the hospital. Needless to say, adjusting from 1 kid to 2 has been hard! Hence why it has taken me so long to write this down. I finally have a minute to sit down and write this and I should probably be taking a nap while baby is sleeping (hello sleep deprivation, my old friend!) but this is too important to forget. I want to quickly preface this story by saying that I suffer from SPD in my pregnancies - symphysis pubis dysfunction. Basically, my body does too good of a job releasing the hormone relaxin to ready itself for birth and my pelvis gets totally unstable and misaligned and causes me so much pain. This time, it started early at 13 weeks and as baby grew and got bigger, the pain also increased. By the time I went to my 39 week appointment, I was completely miserable. I had already been waddling for months and some days the pain shot ...