
Showing posts from 2015

When Life Knocks You Down...Breakdance!

That's a line by Kid President.  If you don't know who that is, I recommend you watch his videos on Youtube.  He's a very inspiring kid.  And that's something I needed to hear today. So much has happened since my last blog post.  Let's do some quick updates... Work: In my second year of teaching, I have an inclusion class. Which, in the world of education means "including" special needs students in the general class setting, so they are able to learn in the "Least Restrictive Environment."  It was also decided last year that I would be the Grade Level Chair (GLC) for my team of 5 total 4th grade teachers.  ALSO, (there seems to be two too many also's in this update...) I am a co-leader for the Math Content group...for my entire school... WHY did anyone think I could do all of this on top of figuring out how to teach in my probationary years as a teacher?! I don't know. I have no idea. House: For the past 6 months or so we've gon...

Memoirs of a First Year Teacher

There is one big reason why I am writing this blog post.  Here it is. When I was completing my undergraduate studies at BYU-Hawai'i, I had a professor by the name of Dr. Buckner who frequently told us that most people who end up burning out and quitting the teaching profession do so around 3 years .  That's the point when they struggled, they stuck it out, and after sticking it out, they realize that teaching is not what they want to do for the rest of their lives. It's probably related to the whole idea of being "overworked and underpaid."  I am now halfway through those 3 years, so I wanted to write down my feelings of this past year.  I don't want to finish my 3rd or 5th or 10th or even 15th year teaching completely removed from these feelings. I want to remind myself of why I chose this profession and why I stay in this profession.  Who knows, maybe the Lord will show me a different path of passion to pursue, but I don't want to ever feel like quit...

New Year, Not So New Thoughts

I was reading through some old blog posts since I hardly update this's interesting how I'll read something and completely not remember ever thinking or writing it. But anyway, this post is a follow-up of a post I wrote in January 2012 titled, "New Year, New Thoughts." Well, I changed the name of this blog post to not so new thoughts. The reason being, as I read through that post, I realized...personally, I haven't even changed. I still feel discontent when I thinking about who I am as a person. I still have a lot to work on...and at first, I felt really discouraged. It has been 3 years since that post was written. Have I really not progressed at all, since then??? Let's make a list of milestones in the past 3 years: -graduated from college, summa cum laude -finished student teaching -got hired at a school right away And that's pretty much it....plug in surfing and dates and family activities in between and that's me in a nutshel...