The Beginnings of Ari and Josh
We are Arianna and Josh Graham. If you are reading this, you probably already know us in one way or another, so I don't need to give a very detailed introduction of us but it'd be convenient to give at least a brief one. Arianna Nawaiaulianahenahe (McMillan) Graham Born March 13 in Honolulu, HI Hawaiian, Chinese, Caucasian College student (BYU & BYU-H) Wife of Josh Surfer Joshua Kamalama Graham Born November 16 in Hawaii Japanese, Chinese, Caucasian, Hispanic (yeah right, he wishes!) College freshman (haha) ... (BYU-H) Served in the Florida Tampa mission, spanish speaking (Nov. 2008 - Nov. 2010) Husband of Ari Surfer We met in May of 2008, but didn't start dating until September (yes, I was already up at college at BYU-Provo and he was home in Hawaii). If you want a very detailed story, click here . The password is arijosh. Josh returned home in November of 2010. We got engaged at the end of January 2011. Married and sealed for time and all eternity on Friday, June 1...