
Showing posts from January, 2025

Emalia’s Birth Story - Part 1

  Birth Story — Part 1 Every bone and muscle in my body aches of trauma. Imprints of hands and instruments where they shouldn’t have been. My body did not welcome them there. And yet without them -  she  would not be here. Why does my throat and chest hurt? I got intubated? When did that happen?  My stitches burn in pain reminding me.  How did everything go so wrong in an instant?  I was powerful. I was doing it. One contraction at a time.  Contractions all week. Contractions all day. I endured, each one bringing me closer to her, I said.  1/18/25 8:15 pm “Josh, get me a towel. It feels like my water is about to break.” Towel is placed just as I feel the  pop! Progress , I proudly tell myself.  The fluid looks funny. Is that meconium? Should I be worried? Contractions immediately intensify like a freight train. My unmedicated, natural dream birth was just around the corner.  Or so I thought. Or so I hoped.  Something about each...