
Where do I even begin? I've been dreaming about this day, this life I am living right now for so long. What do you do when one of your dreams come true? You blog about it, of course. Many of you know that Josh and I have struggled with the trial of infertility for the last 4 years. I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) in 2012 and it has been a rollercoaster ever since. While I know there are many out there who have struggled longer than I have, or are still struggling, or still wonder if they will ever become mothers, it is not possible to compare one woman's journey with another's. There is no such thing as "my pain is greater than your pain." I like to use the analogy that I may have a broken arm while you have a broken leg. We suffer differently, but we still feel pain. And in the world of infertility, just having that common pain with another brings a little bit of comfort to know that you are not alone. I was not alone. I hav...